Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mini Lucet Friendship Bracelet Loom

Mini Lucet
with PDF instructions for making these beaded Friendship Bracelets

Measures 2 1/2 inches
Lucet Weaver comes with printed Instructions on basic braiding and I will email you the PDF instructions to make the beaded friendship bracelet.
These make great party favors

Teens and Tweens love this project. Easy to take along, really fits in your pocket. Use any embroidery thread or yarn.

Make friendship bracelets, shoe strings and necklaces, just to list a few.
Lucet cord can be used for decorative edging, draw-strings, lacing, and any other use where a strong cord is needed.
You can also braid very loose with bulky yarns and make wonderful scarves and belts.
Lucet is a method of cordmaking or braiding which is believed to date back to the Viking and Medieval periods, when it was used to hang useful items from the belt.

Lucet cord is square, strong, and slightly springy. It closely resembles knitted I-cord or the cord produced on a knitting spool. Lucet cord is formed by a series of loops, and will therefore unravel if cut.

1 comment:

Bernard Crosby said...

Thanks for this blog postt